About The Lusophone Branch

The Wiki

We are the second and (currently) only active Portuguese-speaking branch of the SCP Foundation Wiki.

The first branch was founded and managed by Shayat. It ran until the beginning of 2016, but never managed to gather enough active members; it never had original content, and most translations (150+, now migrated) were done by the founder. The application system also prevented new members from reviving the site in the absence of its administrator. So, it was time to restart.

In early 2015, Lucas667 founded the second (current) branch in Portuguese. He migrated various translations from the old wiki, but personal matters conflicted with his activity, and he had to step down from the project, so he passed the torch down to NaxinD. He continued Lucas667's work and did the most important thing in the wiki: Founding the -BR Series (now -PT), a series of original SCP articles in Portuguese. Sadly, he, too, had to step down temporarily from the project for personal matters, giving cauazinlindaum não corresponde a nenhum nome de usuário existente an active mod position.

In late 2017, Silvacrest joined the project, and offered to translate anything needed. After communicating with NaxinD, she became the site's main Admin, in an effort to complete the translation of every guide and system page necessary for turning the Wiki more accessible for non-English-speaking members. And now, in May 2018, we're official!

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